Příběh poskládaný ze zvuků

Autor: Mgr. Linda Andresová, zveřejněno: 21.3.2016, článek se týká tříd(y): 9.A  9.B  

V devátém ročníků jsme si v jedné z hodin angličtiny vyzkoušeli velmi netradiční poslechové cvičení, tzv. „zvukový příběh“.

Poslechová cvičení bývají obecně nejtěžší jazykové úkoly, se kterými se žáci a studenti angličtiny setkávají. My jsme si ale tentokrát pustili nahrávku, které rozuměl úplně každý.

Součásti 4. lekce učebnice Project 4 je nahrávka, kterou si můžete poslechout zde. I vy, kteří neumíte anglicky ani slovo.

Naši žáci poslouchali několikrát a poté si pustili fantazii na špacír a sepsali svůj vlastní příběh, který se na pozadí zvuků asi odehrává…

Vybrané práce jsou uvedené níže.

Aneta Páblová

It is a scary night. I heard a wind blowing. Somebody is stopping a car. It is a man. His car is broken. I heard him walking to the door. He is knocking on the door. Somebody is slowly opening the door. It’s a witch. I heard a witch saying. I heard a man running. He is screaming very loud. I see him falling into the water. I heard a witch laughing.

Martin Hvězda

The man, who drove next to the scary house, stopped because his car crashed. He went to the house for some help. He started knocking on the door and this time some dog barked. After it the door opened slowly. He saw a ghost, which said to him. He started screaming and running away. The ghost followed him and he fell into the lake.

Martina Hofmanová

I heard somebody droving in the car. It was a man. He stopped because his car was broken. I heard him walking. He went to a house. I heard him knocking on the door. When the door opened I heard somebody saying. I think it was a witch. The man started running and he fell into the water. I heard the witch laughing. It was scary.

Jan Divecký

I heard the wind blowing. I saw a human driving. I heard shoes running. I heard a human knocking on the door. I heard a human opening a door. I heard a witch speaking. I heard a human shouting and running out. I heard a dog barking. I heard a human falling into water.

